Monday, May 30, 2011

Photography Pure Day

Our topic this term is 'Express Yourself'. To immerse ourselves in this topic we have had four days during which we purely did arts-based activities! Room 21, 23, 26 and 29 had the opportunity to experience photography. On our photography day we took photos that expressed what we like and we manipulated our images using a variety of special effects in Picasa (a free photo editing programme). We then tiled our effective images using Publisher. Enjoy the media clip of Room 21's finished collages.


  1. Fabulous work room 21. I have peeked in a few times and I have been so impressed with the great photography happening during Pure Day. Keep up the good work all year 5 & 6 children.
    From Mrs Walker

  2. Awesome photography

    From Joshua D'Silva
    Rm 29
