Thursday, November 24, 2011

End of Year for the Year 5 and 6 Team

There are two very important events coming up before the end of the 2011 school year. Please mark these dates in your diary and ensure your child is available. Please also use the details within this notice to make yourself available as appropriate. Both these special assemblies will take place in the school hall.

Awards Assembly
The awards assembly (or senior prize giving) is to be held on Tuesday 13 December, from 7.00 to 9.00pm. This event particularly focuses on the Year 6 children, however the Year 5 children are involved and expected to attend.

Because of the hall size we will have to limit numbers. Each Year 6 child will be given two tickets and each Year 5 student will be given one. Entry to the hall will be by ticket only and these tickets will be sent home on Friday 02 December. This will be a wonderful and formal occasion. The Year 5 and 6 children will all wear their uniforms.

Leavers’ Assembly
The leavers’ assembly is being held the following day on Wednesday 14 December, from 9.30 to 11.00am. Again, this event focuses on the Year 6 children but the Year 5 children are involved and expected to attend.

Parents of Year 6 children only are invited to attend this occasion. There will not be tickets issued for this assembly but we ask that adults only attend.

At the end of this assembly the Year 6 children will have a special luncheon, to end their celebrations.

We look forward to sharing these special occasions with you to show case the successes of the 2011 year and to farewell our most senior children before they head off to the next stage of their education.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Don't forget to wear you Black & White for this Friday's Mufti Day (18th November) And this time don't bring your gold coin! Please bring a bottle for our Food Festival Bottle Bank instead! Some ideas for what to bring are: sauces, jams, preserves, lotions, perfumes, shampoos, body wash, bubble bath, drinks etc. Make sure they are new and unopened ready for our Festival next year.
See you then!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Auckland Normal Intermediate Update

Friday 04 November 2011

This letter is to confirm with you that your child who is going to be attending Auckland Normal Intermediate in 2012 sat their entrance test at our school yesterday morning. This was arranged by Auckland Normal Intermediate because a number of our children were going to be either missing the test or missing the APPA Choir rehearsal on Tuesday 8 December.
Therefore this means that the children are not required at Auckland Normal Intermediate on Tuesday 8 November. However they will be visiting Auckland Normal Intermediate on Tuesday 15 November from 9a.m – 11a.m for their orientation. It is each family’s responsibility to ensure that their child is delivered to Auckland Normal Intermediate and then dropped back to Royal Oak Primary School.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Poetic Ponderers of Room 27...

With the unassisted recounts and expositions done and dusted, we have taken the time to unleash our poetic licences...
Please feel free to read just some samples of our 'Poetic Ponderances'...
Can you spot the language features used??


A beast with eyes of menacing intention, Fur of distinctive down.
The teeth like shattered razors. He slips away, a brunette vapour."
Ben Teterroo.


A beast with eyes of glowing horizons. Fur like platted hair ruined and worn.
The teeth like snakes fangs ready to penetrate. He slips away in the blink of an eye.
Jamie Lawlor.

A beast with eyes of envy-green. Fur matted like a tatty rug.
The teeth stained like yellow rust. He slips away, a ghost in the night.

Dark Soul.

A beast with eyes of diamonds. Fur like silky feathers.
The teeth like crystals so radiant. He slips away, a dark soul.
Tesi Naufahu.

Winged warrior.

A beast with eyes of evil,
Wings,ragged and torn,
talons as sharp as swords,
He flies away, a shadow
Ashley Paul.

Cherry Blossoms.

Dresses up in pastel colours of milky pink.
Blooms soundlessly while Springtime passes away.
Swaying side to side when a breeze comes to visit.
Autumn is the day they start to cry.
Yuka Sawai.


Wild whipping wind howls as it strides through the crowded street.
Shouting angrily at the mortal man.
Invisible to all in its path.
Dezil Jojo.


Happiness is sublime and fabulous.
It is marvell0us like the ALL BLACKS.
If it was a colour, it would be yellow like the sun.
If happiness was a smell it would be the scent of childrens' sweaty odour.
If it was a sound it would be the trickling of childrens voices having fun.
Tafa Destiny Wells.


Green jealousy is pitch-black cheese rotting in the fridge.
Green is the colour of sad frozen blueberries.
Green is the voice of screeching violence.
Green is a feeling that is not enjoyable.
Green is being all alone at home.
Joy Filipo.


Humiliation is depressing and rather discomforting.
It lies loitering, awaiting the grieving soul.
It emerges looming in shades of blue making things mournful.
In an isolated world humiliation is embarrassing.
It torments and depresses.
It is a feeing of regret that all the time in the world cannot change.
Sophia Jones.


A cold feeling that pulls you down.
Depression hiding inside of you.
Nails in your heart that haunt you.
Eternal blue sorrow and gloom rushing through you.
Sitting in solemn silence waiting for it to end.
Sadness is the sound of weeping people.
Sadness is curled up in a corner ready to pounce at someone.
Dylan Kharpal.